Saturday, January 29, 2011

30/30 Mark Making with Nature Package!

Mark Making with Nature the Package $30.00 (Special Offer)

In this package you will receive ALL THREE BOOKS in one digital PDF download. These three books include Mark Making with Nature, Compost Dyeing and Other Fermentation Dyeing Techniques AND Rust and Clay Dyeing.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Of e-Books and Other Things

I finally found a source so that I could make my books available as a digital download :-)  Check out my website for more information, I'm hoping to make the downloads available from my blogs as well.

Am still recuperating from a nasty fall two weeks ago, I've been using the down time to get caught up on desk work, book projects, and a new video project which will be shot once it warms up this spring.  Until then I will continue to stream twice a month the recorded videos are available on Ustream.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tea Dye Bath

About 20 teabags in water.  I brought the bath to a boil and simmered for 15 minutes, I then added the prepared fabric and simmered for 15 minutes before turning the heat off.  This is one method of aging new fabric, the color however is not permanent.

Tannin Over Dyed Rusted Cotton

I have a short tutorial on Ustream on dyeing with tea, coffee, and tannin and then over dyeing rust dyed fabrics with them I will be streaming part 2 tomorrow at 3pm Central Time.

Over Dyeing

Over Dyed Rust Dyed Cotton Fabrics

Upper Left Hand corner Tannin over Rust
Upper Right Hand corner Constant Comment Tea over Rust
Lower Right Hand corner Coffee over Rust
Lower Left Hand corner Tannin bound resist over coffee  over rust.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Crow Work Finished

Crow work finished and awaiting it's niche.

Aging Fabric with Tea, Coffee and Tannin

Tomorrow afternoon I will demostrate how to age fabrics effectively with tea, coffee, and various tannins. I have 30 minutes of stream time planned, which will be recorded, the stream however may go over 30 minutes.