Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Mark Making with Nature DVD - Now in Stock!!!

Mark Making with Nature DVD - Now back in Stock!
By Surface Designer Kimberly Baxter Packwood
Over 2 hours of Video Instruction (5 Discs) & 53 Pages of Supplemental Instruction Included(PDF)
Everything you ever wanted to know to create unique cloth using natural dyes is covered in thisDVD Set, an excellent companion to the Compost Dyeing and Other Fermentation Technqiues Book.

Topics Covered Include:
  • Compost Dyeing: Several methods of compost dyeing are demonstrated.
  • Screen Printing with natural dyes, using thickeners and more.
  • Bound Resists with natural dyes how to obtain rich layers of color on fabric. Monoprinting & Stamping with natural dyes.
  • Create additional depth and design to your fabrics by stamping and printing them using natural dyes and pigments.
  • Dye Painting with natural dyes using thickeners, gutta resists, and much much more. Pigments: using pigments with natural dyes to create additional character to your art cloth.
  • Included is a 51 PDF booklet (this booklet is on a CDROM which you can then print out) that includes additional images and details on how to obtain gorgeous art cloth using natural dyes.


Anonymous said...

Helllo Kimberly - love your blog and truly appreciate all the information you share here. would like to purchase your DVD but the link you give indicates there is an error. I went to one of your other blog sites and same. maybe you're just out of stock ?? any chance you'll be re-stocking soon ?? I'll keep checking back, I really enjoy your art.
Ohhh, I sincerely hope ClothPaper, etc., has righted their wrong on not giving you credit, I think that was just plain WRONG, an artist/contributor should not have to "ASK" for credit for her/his work/entries.
Blessings, Sandra in AZ

Kim said...

Kimberly- the link to your Marking DVD does not lead to a usable page. Can you check it or give us another page from which to see more and purchase it?

Your information in the ning community is wonderful. I am excited to try rust dyeing.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

k baxter packwood said...

Hi I changed the link in that post hopefully you'll be able to get to my store from the link
